Jesse Dean - Master Hypnotherapist

The Open Window Institute for Emotional Freedom

Without sacrificing your position, pay, status or relationships

Jesse Deans

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by Jesse Deans

Five Shifts to overcome Stress, Overwhelm and Anxiety 

Group Coaching

Weekly Group Coaching Calls

Online Coaching

Individual Coaching

One on One Coaching Sessions

What is it that you do to help me build my Emotional Resilience?

I educate you about the faculties and functions of your conscious mind and the creative powers of your unconscious mind.

How long does the program take?

With proper guidance, Emotional pressure relief can happen within as little as 60 minutes. however, developing long term emotional resilience skills requires both instruction and practice over a minimum of 8 weeks with extended weekly support as needed.

How much is the investment to participate in your program?

The investment ranges between $5k,
$ 7k to $21k depending on the length of your program.

Do you offer a guarantee?

No. Emotional Resilience training depends on each client’s coach-ability, full participation and persistence. Each client’s outcome depends on what effort they put into their training program.

What if I don’t want to do an 8 week program but just want some “quick fix” therapeutic hypnosis for stress relief?

‘Quick-fix’ phone or online Hypnothera sessions are available at the following rate schedule. 


  • 30 minutes: Hypnothera session:   $350 
  • 90 minutes: Hypnothera session:   $750

Emotional Liberation for Fallen Angels Overcoming Stress and Anxiety

Without sacrificing their Position, Pay,  Status or Relationships or reliving  past trauma or years of mind bending therapy.


Without Sacrificing their Position, Pay, Status or Relationships